
Taking input from the user is the most crucial part of any program. By this point, we have learned about assigning a variable name and utilizing the value in our code. Now, we will learn how to perform these same functions with the user-input data. Generally, the input is taken from the keyboard, which is called keyboard input.

This input function stops the code until the user enters something and once entered, the code progresses.

For the input to work, the parentheses are a must. As we already know, Python 3 recognizes the inputs with the parentheses with a () as a function, and all we are doing is calling it.

This input can be stored in a variable and can access it, so it can perform all types of cool stuff. Another cool feature of this input function is that it can display a message while receiving the input. This makes it clear to the users what they are about to enter or what they were asked to enter.

The comma (,) used in the code creates a space between two strings: it separates one string from another, while the (+) combines strings.

In this program, we are taking two inputs from the user and converting the inputs into an integer, making it possible to perform mathematical operations. But, one thing to remember is that when converting the input to an integer or a float, strings cannot be entered. If entered, it would raise a ValueError: