Code ground

Create a simple guess game

import random
comp_number = random.randint(1,10)

guess = False
count = 0

while guess == False:
    guess_number = int(input('What is your guess:'))
    if guess_number > comp_number:
        print('Too high')
        count += 1
    elif guess_number < comp_number:
        print('Too low')
        count += 1 
        print(f'You are right',f'\nYou got it in {count} tries!')
        guess == True

Create a simple calculator in one line

function = input() 

Create a rock-paper-scissor game

import random
user = input('rock,paper,scissor:')
choices = ['rock','paper','scissor']
number = random.randint(0,2)
computer = choices[number]
if computer == 'rock' and user == 'paper': 
  print('You win!, computer chose',computer) 
elif computer == 'paper' and user == 'scissor': 
  print('You win!, computer chose',computer) 
elif computer == 'scissor' and user == 'rock': 
  print('You win!, computer chose',computer) 
elif user == 'rock' and computer == 'paper': 
  print('computer wins!, computer chose',computer) 
elif user == 'paper' and computer == 'scissor': 
  print('computer wins!, computer chose',computer) 
elif user == 'scissor' and computer == 'rock': 
  print('computer wins!, computer chose',computer) 

Create a password generator

import random
characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890{[(~`!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\:;)]}'
length = int(input('Enter the length of your password:'))

print('Your password would be:',''.join(random.sample(characters,length)))

Check for palindromes

word = input('Enter your word:')
if word.lower() == word.lower()[::-1]:
    print(f'{word}is a palindrome!')
    print(f'{word} is not a palindrome')

Fibonacci series

n = int(input('Enter the length of the series:'))
fib = [0,1]
while len(fib) != n:

Making a simple voice-controlled assistant

Use pip install SpeechRecognition before running this code

import re
import speech_recognition as sr
import webbrowser
while True:
    r = sr.Recognizer()

    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1)
        audio = r.listen(source)
        command = r.recognize_google(audio).lower()
        print('You said: ' + command + '\n')
    except sr.UnknownValueError:
        print('Your last command couldn\'t be heard')

    if command.startswith('open'):
        if 'google' in command:
        elif 'discord' in command:
        elif 'youtube' in command:
        elif 'red it' in command: 
    elif command.startswith('play'):
        command = command.split('play')''+command[1])
    elif command == 'quit':

Time conversion (12hr format to 24hr format)

def code():

    s = input('Format: (hh:mm:ssAM/PM)')
    if s[-2:] == "AM" and s[:2] == "12":        
        print ("00" + s[2:-2]) 
    elif s[-2:] == "AM": 
        print( s[:-2]) 
    elif s[-2:] == "PM" and s[:2] == "12": 
        print( s[:-2]) 
        print( str(int(s[:2]) + 12) + s[2:8])

Text to speech

Use pip install pyttsx3 before using the code

import pyttsx3 
speak = pyttsx3.init() 
speak.say('pyttsx3 speaks this')

Find if a number is a armstrong number

number = int(input('Enter the number:'))
number = list(str(number))
cubes = [int(x) for x in number]
cubes = [x**3 for x in cubes]
if sum(cubes) == str(number):
    print('Your number is an armstrong number')
    print('Your number is not an armstrong number')

Arithmetic and Geometric sequences

sequence = input('Input sequences separated by commas:').split(',')
sequence = [float(x) for x in sequence]
if sequence[1] - sequence[0] == sequence[2]-sequence[1]:
    print('Sequence Type: Arithmetic')
    diff = sequence[1]-sequence[0]
    print(f'Common difference:{sequence[1]-sequence[0]}')
    print('Find the nth term')
    n = int(input("Input the value of 'n:'"))
    print(f'The nth term is {sequence[0]+(diff*(n-1))}')
elif sequence[1]/sequence[0] == sequence[2]/sequence[1]:
    print('Sequence Type: Geometric')
    r = sequence[1]/sequence[0]
    print(f'Common ratio: {r}')
    print('Find the nth term')
    n = int(input("Input the value of 'n:'"))
    print(f'The nth term is {sequence[0]*(r**(n-1))}')    
    print('Not a pattern')

Find Leap Year

year = int(input('Enter the year:'))
if (( year%400 == 0)or (( year%4 == 0 ) and ( year%100 != 0))):
    print('Your year is a leap year')
    print('Your year is not a leap year')

Email sorter

text = []
for _ in range(int(input('Enter number of emails'))):
text = sorted(text, key=lambda x:x.split('@')[0])
for mail in text: